Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignment 9: Infornation Environment

Before I begin my discussion about the type of information environment that I want to be in, let me first define the three terms involved:

> Information

> Environment

> Information Environment

Giving and getting information has become a big part of our daily lives. We get information in any forms like asking our peers about some things, reading books, studying, watching television, listening to the radio and even browsing the internet. We give information when we share about the things we know just by talking to others or by using any type of media for communication. But what does the word information means?

I took a definition of the word information from wikipedia that information is a term with many meanings depending on context, but is as a rule closely related to such concepts as meaning, knowledge, instruction, communication, representation, and mental stimulus. Simply stated, information is a message received and understood. In terms of data, it can be defined as a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. There are many other aspects of information since it is the knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction. But overall, information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it.

Information is the state of a system of interest. Message is the information materialized.

Information can also be defined as facts, data or intelligence that a person has acquired or disseminated through experience, study, it could also be in any form of inquiry or communication media that can be thought of.

Environment, on the other hand, is what I define as a total condition or circumstance that surrounding an individual or group.

By summing up the terms, we will get the term “Information Environment”. Information environment as what the site define as the aggregate of individuals, organizations, or systems that collect, process, or disseminate information; also included is the information itself.

Information environment may be found in any organizations and may come in different forms. One of the duties and responsibilities of the group of people or individuals who are involved in the information environment is to disseminate any data, facts or knowledge which they have acquired from their experience, from their inquiry or from their thorough study to the company or any organization that they are working with. The information can somehow be connected to information systems or information technology.

Database Programmer

Let me first define the word database. Database is an application that is capable of handling large amounts of data about a certain person, thing, or company. One type of application that is designed to handle or manage the databases in the relational database management systems or (RDBMS), is the SQL or structured query language. Other people do pronounce it as “sequel” or SQL itself. Structured Query Language or SQL has the capability of creating, inserting, updating, and deleting a database or record/records in the database. Furthermore, Structured Query Language or SQL can also be connected to a computer programming language like Java or Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP that makes the database programming possible for the web – based approach.

The term database which was also defined in the site, “…in the world of computers, a database usually refers to a collection of related pieces of information stored electronically. Aside from the ability to store data, a database also provides a way for other computer programs to quickly retrieve and update desired pieces of data.”

Another site also defined the word database as a “collection of data or information organized for rapid search and retrieval, especially by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-processing operations. A database consists of a file or set of files that can be broken down into records, each of which consists of one or more fields. Fields are the basic units of data storage. Users retrieve database information primarily through queries. Using keywords and sorting commands, users can rapidly search, rearrange, group, and select the field in many records to retrieve or create reports on particular aggregates of data according to the rules of the database management system being used.”

Database Programmer

The database programmer is responsible for designing and developing web – based applications for databases. Database programmers are also responsible for writing reports to support business practices or activities. They are also responsible for creating pa code that will help the end users of a company to have an easy access or interaction that can be a web – based application with the computer when creating, updating, inserting or deleting a recorded or records from the database.

The challenges that are facing me in performing the role of a database programmer in an information environment or organization are first, the lack of support from the company or management. Next is the disagreement of ideas by my peers. This is very usual most especially if you are working in a teamed project for the reason that people have different ego and ideas that might be different from them. The third challenge is the time pressure. This happens when there is difficulty in meeting the deadlines that you yourself or the company had imposed for a particular project. The last challenge that I can think of is the demand of the end users or company for the reason that in developing a system, as a database programmer, you must be sensitive to the needs of those who will use your system. In creating a system, it is important to develop a system that is user - friendly and maintain the security or confidentiality of the data.

To address these challenges, it would be best that if I am going to work on a teamed project, proper discussion, inquiry and brainstorming must be done to avoid disagreements that the project team might encounter due to the differences in ideas that each individual from the teamed project has. When it comes to addressing the problem of time pressure, it would be better if the company/management will allot sufficient time frame to the project team. Furthermore, the company/management must be sensitive to the needs of the database programmer or the project team like allotting sufficient budget for their project, necessary tools to be used, dedicated and competent staff members or database programmer who will develop the project.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Improving the internet connectivity of USEP

To begin with, let me first define the word "Internet". Internet is an infrastructure that provides connectivity for computers worldwide which refers to both hardware and software components. It is a network of networks and is composed of the different types of connections both local and global. It uses different types of internetworking medium like fiber optic cables, UTP cables, wireless connections and other types of media and uses the standardized Internet Protocol Suite. In this age of information technology, the internet has become one of the most reliable sources of information. The Internet has the capability of simultaneous delivery of large amount of information worldwide. Through the use of the internet, the end users will be able to access information from the books located in different libraries all over the world, pay bills, receive salaries, watch videos and know the current events in a particular country.

If the president of the University of Southeastern Philippines would hire me as an IT consultant and would ask for my suggestions on how to improve the university's internet connectivity I would consider the following factors:


Type of connection

Spy ware, trojans and viruses

Steps or techniques in improving the internet connection

One way to improve the University of Southeastern Philippines' internet connectivity is to upgrade each computer unit or workstation's random access memory up to 1GB or higher with an Intel Pentium D processor. In this way, you will be able to speed up the workstation. When it comes to the memory of the server, it would be best if you upgrade it up to 2GB depending on the number of workstations that the university is using. Moreover, the server's hard drive should be at least 60GB or higher considering the amount of space that the database will occupy. It would be better if the university will use at least two servers simultaneously first is to reduce the damages and data losses during system crashes. Secondly, it can be used for daily back up purposes. For cables, I would like to recommend the use of category 5 shielded twisted pair cables or if possible, use fiber optic cables. Fiber optic cables are human hair - like thin glass fibers that uses light as signals. This type of cable is capable of transmitting large amount of information from the server to the end user and vice versa in long distances at a higher rate of bandwidth. Moreover, fiber optic cables are more immune to any interference like crosstalk and electromagnetic interference and are wire tapping resistant.

After having the workstations, the server and the cables upgraded, the next thing to consider in order in improving the university’s internet connectivity is the type of internet connection that will be used, the cost and the speed of the internet connection. There are of ISP or internet service providers that offer various types of internet connections, examples are dial - up, DSL and wireless connections with different speeds. I would suggest that the university will use DSL or digital subscriber line. DSL or digital subscriber line internet connection is more expensive compared to dial – up internet connections. However, if we are going to take a closer look at the capabilities of digital subscriber line internet connection, it will show that the price is very reasonable. Compared to dial –up internet connections, digital subscriber line is less susceptible to signal losses and interference.

Moreover, the DSL or digital subscriber line internet connection allows the user to use the internet and the phone line simultaneously unlike in dial – up internet connections that makes the user disconnect the phone line and connect it to the computer in order to use the internet or vice versa. Dial – up internet connections are somewhat slower compared to digital subscriber line or DSL internet connections. With digital subscriber line internet connections, the connection can reach up to 20 MBPS unlike the dial – up connections that only handles 56 KBPS and below.

I would also like to recommend the use of two connections from different ISP or internet service providers like globe telecom and smart. In this way, data losses and internet disconnection can be reduced. Also, this will allow the university to have a spare connection when one internet service provider crashes down. In this way, the University of Southeastern Philippines’ operations will not be hampered because of unwanted disconnections.

The problem with using too much bandwidth is that it makes the internet connection speed slower. One example of an application that increases the use of bandwidth is video streaming. The university must implement site restrictions that the students can access like video streaming sites to decrease the use of too much bandwidth. Doing this will help increase the size of bandwidth.

The next thing to consider in improving the internet connection of the University of Southeastern Philippines is the transmission of computer viruses, spy wares, mal wares and trojans. Such unwanted programs can become a factor that may slow down your computer or your internet connection. The workstations can be infected with such unwanted programs not only because of USB flash drive or other removable media such as Compact Discs or Digital Video Discs that are infected with viruses, spy wares, mal wares and Trojans. Moreover, the workstations can also be contaminated with viruses, spy wares, mal wares and trojans that are coming from the internet via the electronic mails or sites that are infected with viruses.

To address this problem, it would be best to protect each workstation and keep it more immune to viruses, spy wares, mal wares and trojans by installing virus and security protection softwares available in the market. Not all types of infections can be cured or detected by some certain antivirus software, though. But it somehow, installing one will be able to save the university and the students from headaches due to data losses or damages done by these unwanted softwares. There are antivirus softwares that can be used simultaneously so, would recommend the use of two antivirus softwares like using Twister antivirus and Avira at the same time. Other than that, I would also like to suggest the use of two anti - mal wares or anti – spy wares programs. In this way, protection of each workstations can be ensured. Giving full protection to the workstations will help the university save money from computer repairs or replacements due to the damages that viruses, spy wares, mal wares and trojans do.

According to the article “Why is my Internet connection so slow?” from, “computer viruses can also cause poor Internet performance. When a virus infects a computer, it installs computer code which will attempt to propagate itself, usually by sending copies of itself through e mail. Some viruses can multiply at the rate of hundreds of e mail messages per minute, which leaves little computing power and Internet connection bandwidth for anything else.”

The last thing to consider in improving the University of Southeastern Philippines’’ internet connectivity is to clean up the local hard drives. In doing this, history, recent and temporary files can be deleted. These kinds of files increase the use space in the workstation’s hard drive and slowing the computer and your internet connectivity. Furthermore, it is important to conduct a regular registry clean up on your hard drive because unused and damaged registries can slow down the computer. There are a lot of registry cleaners available in the market right now. I would like to recommend that the management will use tune up utility softwares that has the capability of cleaning and correcting the registry; deleting unnecessary restore points and unused temporary internet files, history lists and cookies.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Barriers of IT/IS implementation

Unfortunately, we were not able to interview the MIS officer of our adopted company, Holcim Philippines located in Bo. Ilang Davao City for this topic because their MIS officer was too busy doing his office work. So, to be able for me to answer the question on this assignment, I took reference from Dole, Philippines which remote office is located in Lanang, Davao City. Dole Philippines has been our adopted company for the Management Information System 1 module presentation.

Before I discuss to you the barriers in implementing the information technology or information system in our adopted organization or company, let me first define the following words:

>Information Technology
>Information System

To begin with, let me first define the word "barrier"

Barrier is something that impedes or obstructs the movement of a subject or something that blocks or hinders something from moving forward. It is also referred to as a limit.

Let me now define the word implementation. Implementation is classified as the execution or the carrying out of a plan. The word implementation is also defined as the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for something to actually happen. In an information technology context, implementation encompasses all the processes involved in getting new software or hardware operating properly in its environment, including installation, configuration, running, testing, and making necessary changes.

Information technology is composed of the hardware and the software. It has the capacity to handle large amounts of information, these information in return are being processed, for example, handed over to the end users. It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses.

Information system, on the other hand, is the combination of the components of information technology plus the people. Information System allows the company to handle large amounts of data or information. Handling large amount of information are done by the Information Technology components - hardware and software and these information technology components are being managed by the people in the company mainly by the management information systems department or information technology department of a certain company.

After having four terms defined, I will now discuss the barriers of implementing the information technology or information systems in an organization.

Dole Philippines is one of the largest producers - marketer of packaged fruits and vegetables. We interviewed a management information systems programmer from Dole Philippines, Davao remote office. According to her, the end users should be involved in the implementation of the project of the company. She described critical barriers that can somehow affect the information technology or information systems project implementation. These are inexperienced staff, lack of defined IS/IT implementation methodology, lack of IS/IT implementation awareness, lack of support, lack of resources, organizational politics, and time pressure.

Inexperienced Staff

According to dole Philippines' management information system programmer, inexperienced staff needs trainings and seminars to upgrade their knowledge about the new system. Moreover, with the help of these trainings and seminars, the employees and staff will be able to improve their performance in doing their tasks for the company. With the help of trainings and seminars, the inexperienced staff will have mastery of the uses of the system.

One of the reasons of unsuccessful implementation for information technology or information system is the technical director and staff's lack of knowledge on a particular system. Due to this reason, they will have difficulty in understanding the uses, the purposes and the benefits of existing softwares.

Next is the involvement of the experienced staff on the implementation of information systems or information technology in the company because they are the ones who have the knowledge and the experience about the implementation of the system. If the staff have a thorough understanding about the process of the information system or information technology, there will be improvements and better resolution for the said systems

A training policy for Information System or Information Technology must be established to meet the training needs. Responsibilities should be assigned to each staff member regarding IS/IT implementation activities (e.g., process design, process testing, and process deployment). A mechanism that will monitor the progress of each staff member, collect and analyze the feedback from each member and to extract the lessons learned should also be established by the organization.

Lack of IS/IT implementation awareness

According top the Dole Philippines’ management information systems programmer, the involvement of the end user during the development or change of the information technology or information system is very important. For this reason, all the employees involved will have awareness about the matters and solutions.

Moreover, the implementation of information technology or information system is very expensive and is the process of adopting new practices, it is very important that the organization should give or conduct awareness activities for the stakeholders. Information technology or information system implementation is not as beneficial without sufficient awareness of its benefits which must also be promoted. The users and the staff should be able to know their duties and responsibilities within the time of the implementation or upgrading of the system. The staff must plan to organize and to make the information system a part of their organization. Other than that, they must be aware how much investment does the implementation or change of the system needs.

If the staff or the end users will not be given enough awareness about the implementation or change of the information technology or information system, that will cause low performance among the employees and might affect the operations of the company. Moreover, they will have enough knowledge about the benefits, importance and the use of such system which would somehow mean incompetence among the end users.

Lack of Support

Another barrier in the implementation of the information technology or information system is the lack of support by the company or organization for the said project or plan. Lack of support may happen due to the reason that the certain company or organization would give an insufficient to no importance for the project. This might also be because of the reason of what was discussed earlier - the lack of awareness by the heads, by the stakeholders and by the employees of the company. Another reason for the lack of support is that the company or organization does not know or is unaware of the benefits or advantages that the company may get from the said information technology or information system implementation and in the failure of making it part of the company. The last is when the management or the company itself disagrees with the information technology or information system implementation.

Therefore, the management should set up rules or project plans and strongly support the information technology or information system implementation and give high importance for the said project.

Lack of Resources

The result of the company or organization’s lack of support for the implementation of the information technology or information system in the company is the lack of resources which in turn becomes a barrier for the implementation of such system. Without any investment by the company for such project, the implementation would be very impossible. Therefore, the management must have sufficient awareness with regards to the full details and benefits of information technology or information system from the planning of the project to the time frame and finally, to the cost of the implementation up to the time when the new system will be implemented in the company. The management should also provide or hire competent and knowledgeable or experienced staff in order for the company to get the best results and to enjoy the benefits of such system.
Proper planning must be done in order to provide all the required resources for the implementation of the information technology or information system. The company must be able to provide rules for the information technology or information system plan and that includes the time frame of the project. The information technology or information system plan must also be composed of experienced staff who will be working for the project. Moreover, they must make a thorough study about the information technology or information system project and the best ways on how it must be implemented to help improve the business operations of the company, to make the best out of end users and for them to be able to improve their performance for not only for their own but also for the company itself.

Organizational Politics

Another major information technology or information system implementation barrier mentioned is the Organizational Politics. It affects the implementation of the information technology or information system in such a way and as what I had mentioned or discussed earlier is when other people within the company or that the company itself disagrees with the information technology or information system implementation for the reason that they might not have sufficient awareness or knowledge about such system and how important is such for the company. This disagreement also happens due to the difference of one group’s or individual’s perspective, belief, plans, capabilities and time pressures.

Therefore, in order to make the information technology or information system and to make it a part of the company or organization’s culture a success, proper planning must be done and that includes trainings and seminars which tackles about the benefits, needs, purposes and the proper use of the system that are thoroughly organized or studied before the seminar or training will be handed over to the end users

Time Pressure

Another information technology or information system implementation barrier is the time pressure. Time pressure happens when the people or the staff who are developing the information technology or information system implementation is having difficulty in finishing the project within the marked deadline due to the shortness of time.

To address this barrier, the development staff should be committed in doing the project and should be given sufficient time to complete the information technology or information system implementation. In this way, time pressure may somehow be avoided and the project can be finished as planned.

Lack of Defined Information Technology or Information System Implementation Methodology:

The last but not the least barrier in implementing information technology or information system is the lack of defined information technology or information system implementation methodology. There is a need to design a good implementation methodology that contains the competent and committed staff with their duties and responsibilities. Also, it must contain the rules in implementing the project, the time frame of the project and the cost of developing and implementing the project. Furthermore, it should be stated in the implementation methodology the trainings and seminars together with the topics that will be tackled in the trainings and seminars that the end users will undergo and will be learned before the new system will be implemented or will be handed over to the company.


Insourcing or Outsourcing USEP Information System

If I were invited by the university of southeastern Philippines dean of the Institute of Computing to attend a seminar-workshop on information systems planning with some faculty members regarding the outsourcing of the university's information system.

Let us first define the following:

o Information system

o Outsourcing

o Insourcing

Information system is composed of hardware, software and people. These components can be found in different business operations. Information system is different from information technology because the former has a component that interacts with information technology components. Information technology components help the people handle things that are beyond the capability of a human person like handling large amounts of data.

Having your Information System or any business operations insourced or outsourced is one of the major critical decisions that your company has to undergo. Before you choose one, you have to know the benefits you get in opting for one of the two processes or choosing both. Also, you have to know how much you are going to spend in one or both the processes.

Outsourcing is when one company does information technology or information systems services to another company. Also, outsourcing is a contracted business process. It can be any costumer - related services or any other business - related operations.

Insourcing is a business process that has no contracts since the company is assigning a specific job to someone within their own company. One example is hiring someone within the company to develop a Human Resource Information System for the company. Reasons for insourcing could happen when the company had had enough with the products or services they had outsourced.

Insourcing VS Outsourcing

Insourcing as defined, is the non - contract process of assigning an employee within the company to do a specific job, in this way, information technology people will be able to maintain or keep their jobs. It can also earn the development staff more incentives in creating the insourced system. Insourcing is a business process or information system that will somehow take away your worries about competitions in the hardware and software products that are available in the market. Furthermore, insourcing will save you from abiding with what is in the market trend since you will be using your own resources and employees to do the job for you. Other than that, having your company to insource a business process, you will be able to maintain 100% of the confidentiality of your databases.

Outsourcing, on the other hand, is the contracted business process. This is where you pay for the services or tasks that the other outsourcing company will do for you. Usually, the companies who opt for outsourcing are those companies that do not have their own resources, capabilities and/or time to do a specific task for their respective organization. When you outsource your business process and other information technology or information systems services, you will be given up to date products available in the market. They usually pay the outsourcing company while at the same time abiding by the contract that both companies made. Database security, however, can be a question for the reason that if you are dealing with an outsource company, most specially when you are just renting your business process or information technology or information system service, the outsourcing company will have access to the records in your database or any confidential information regarding your corporation. Other than that, you might be having other services that you might not need in what you had purchased or outsourced from them.

Advantages and disadvantages of insourcing and outsourcing:

Chapter 7: Insourcing/Outsourcing by Bozart and Handfield:

“Insourcing gives a company a high degree of control over its operations, which is particularly desirable if the company owns proprietary designs or processes. Insourcing can also lower manufacturing costs, but only if a company enjoys the business volume necessary to achieve economies of scale.”

“Outsourcing typically increases a firm's flexibility and access to state-of-the-art products and processes. As markets or technologies change, many firms find changing supply chain partners easier than changing internal processes. In addition to increasing a firm's strategic flexibility and access to new technologies, outsourcing improves its cash flow. With outsourcing, less investment is required up front in the resources needed to provide a product or service. The benefits can be significant.”

“Control is also an issue in outsourcing. Buying firms may need to create costly safeguards to regulate the quality, availability, confidentiality, or performance of outsourced goods or services. At the extreme, they may lose key skills and technologies that are part of their core competencies. To counteract such threats, many companies oversee key design, operations, and supply chain activities and keep current on what customers want and how their products or services meet those demands9.”

Effects of Insourcing
As I was browsing the internet regarding the effects of insourcing process in the Philippines, I have read a paragraph on an article posted posted 3 Mar 2008 in Volume 10 Issue 9, titled THE COMPELLING CASE FOR INSOURCING in Managing Partner regarding the Philippines. It was written, “GSM work is done to a consistently high standard of quality. The Philippines has a large pool of highly educated, well trained and ambitious young professionals, fluent in English and highly motivated to
be part a large international firm. So it’s no surprise that the work output we see from GSM is world class in every sense.” GSM, by the way, stands for Global Services Manila. The entry on the article increased my sense of pride as a Filipino. It also showed the good side of insourcing in the Philippines that the Filipino’s are very competent in the business world. Going back to the effects of insourcing, insourcing a business process can help increase the number of jobs in the country. Moreover, you will be able to know more about the capabilities and enhance their skills of your employees. The downside of insourcing is that this can demote job growth most especially to the outsourcing companies.
Effects of Outsourcing:
The outsourcing in the Philippines has made the economy strong amidst the global financial crisis that the international community is suffering. There has been an increase in employment in the country especially in those places where business process outsourcing companies are located.
According to the article written by Mary Thomas in her article titled Effects of Outsourcing Jobs - The Positive and Negative, “The positive effects of outsourcing jobs are now being experienced by those who were bold and innovative enough to hire individuals from other countries for certain jobs.
“There are many positive effects of outsourcing, the most obvious of which is getting cheap labor and saving money in the process.
“One of the best ways to save money is to outsource some of the task required in your business to individuals from other countries such as Philippines, China and India. You will be surprised about the professionalism of the workers in these countries. More surprising is how you can have them work for you for a very affordable price.”
Now, in the case of the University of Southeastern Philippines, Institute of Computing, we all know that we have the best and the most competent faculty members and staff in the institute. They are equipped with different knowledge in computer programming and computer networking which is undoubtedly true. However, considering the number of faculty members, we really are short in manpower. If the university president will hire one or two faculty members to develop a system, there is always the possibility of having the number of active teaching staff decreased. Just like what happened before in the institute when the university decided to develop their own enrollment system, our professor resigned and we were turned over to another professor and it happened twice.

That is one of the reasons why I would opt for the outsourcing of the University of Southeastern Philippines’ Information System. Through outsourcing, the University of Southeastern Philippines will be able to save not only manpower and time but also, it will spare the Institute of Computing students from hampering the learnings on a particular subject. Other than that, the University of Southeastern Philippines and most specially, the Institute of Computing will be able to focus on the core functions and education of the students in the university.

It was written in the article titled Outsourcing vs. Insourcing: What's best for your Organization,
“If your organization has a number of non-core processes which are taking plenty of time, effort and resources to perform in-house, it would be wise to outsource these non-core functions. Outsourcing in this case, would help you save on time, effort, manpower and would also aid you in making quicker deliveries to your customers.
“If you require expertise services in areas which do not fall under your core competency, then outsourcing will be a good option as you can get access to expertise services. For reducing costs and making faster deliverables, outsourcing is again a good option.
“If your work involves production, then it would be more ideal for your organization to opt for insourcing, as you can save on transportation costs and exercise a better control over your project.
“It is not necessary to choose outsourcing over insourcing or vice versa. Your organization can outsource and insource at the same time. By outsourcing and insourcing simultaneously, you can have the best of what both offers and your business can get a competitive advantage!”
It is up to the company to decide whether they are going to opt for outsourced or insourced information system or any business operations because they are the ones who really know the capabilities and the needs of their organization.
